Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (& the Funny)

Good - Spense ranked 12th on North Ada County Fire's hiring list. That's good.

Bad - Although he ranked 12th, he won't be starting a job with them right away, as they're only hiring 2-5 for now, but he'll be on the hiring list for the next two years. We're trying to be patient!!!

Ugly - On the way home from celebrating Uncle Eddie's birthday, Isaiah decided to say the "f word". I have NO idea where he heard it. Although it is very distinctly the "f word", it may have been his way to say "frog", although he already knows how to say "frog". So I'm not really sure. We'll ignore it, and it will go away.

Funny - While Grammie & Grampie were watching Brooklyn & Zay a few weeks ago, they watched Jurassic Park for a little bit while flipping through channels. So, the other night, Brooklyn & Zay were telling stories about me getting hurt (like they remember my childhood), and out of nowhere, Brooklyn pipes up with, "And the holy crap dinosaur was eating the tire!". Probably much more funny when you hear it for yourself, but it cracks me up still. But I have to try not to let her know, because first of all, I'm embarassed that I taught my daughter to say crap, and secondly, I have no idea where she heard holy crap. For the record, I never provided the holy. Just the crap.


Amber said...

I almost wet my pants a little because I was laughing so hard. First, because of the f-word. But mostly because of what Brooklyn said (I know you know that I love that name because of the fact that is Claire's middle name, but I just thought I would publicly say it!).

Monica said...

I don't know if you watch Everbody Loves Raymond, but Frank the dad says,"holy crap" like three times in every episode. We watch it late at night when our kids are in bed. Some how when my son hear the theme song he know that Raymond is on. I guess his isn't getting as much sleep as I thought.

Nicole said...

That's awesome. My kids are into, what I call, potty talk right now. Everything they talk about has some mention of a toot or bum in it! Sorry about the f-word - hope that one doesn't stick!!

Aaron & Nancy said...

Laura- I found your blog from Levi and Sherri's blog. I hope you don't mind, but it will be fun to keep up with you and your family. We had a fun visit with you while in Idaho. Feel free to check out our blog too from Levi and Sherri's. Cute fam!

Leslie said...

This story is still as funny as when you told me about it. So I thought you were so cool with your blog that I started one of my