Thursday, September 25, 2008

These Darn Cute Kids...

Cute Moment #1

Laura: Zay, do you want juice or milk to drink?
Brooklyn: He wants milk, because we can't drink too much water because we have to save it for Grammie's fish.
Laura: Oh?
Brooklyn: Ya, we can have a little bit, and then we have to save the rest for Grammie's fish.

Guess that's what she deducted from me telling her to "save some water for the fish" when she's drinking a gallon!

Cute Moment #2

We were in Isaiah's room this morning when he woke up, and Brooklyn happened to notice the little picture of Jesus on his dresser.

Brooklyn: Oh, how cuuttte! I looovve that picture. I love that Jesus. When I go to church I give him BIG hugs! But he's not there.
Laura: But he's there in Spirit, though.
Brooklyn: Ya. Oh, how I love that Jesus.


Collin & Elizabeth said...

Your family is so cute! I love looking at more to add to my list. :) How are you guys doing?
We are in stinkerome (jerome). we love it here. Life is good!

Heather said...

I love cute moments - glad you shared these! Hello to you and the fam, by the way! Glad to have found your blog!!!